Agenda topics for the 75th General Service Conference. Updated: February 23, 2025.

I. Agenda

  1. Review suggestions for the theme of the 2026 General Service Conference.
  2. Review presentation/discussion topic ideas for the 2026 General Service Conference.
  3. Discuss workshop topic ideas for the 2026 General Service Conference.
  4. Review the General Service Conference Evaluation Form, distribution process and 2024 Evaluation Summary.
  5. Discuss 2024 progress report on Conference improvement.
  6. Review feedback from 2024 Delegate Chairs on quarterly communications.
  7. Discuss plan to print and distribute the comprehensive summary of the 2025 General Service Conference Inventory.
  8. Discuss 2024 progress report on Conference Inventory.
  9. Consider the request to suspend oral presentations of all Area Service Highlights and continue printing highlights in the final report. (PAIs 20 and 32)
  10. Consider a. proposed pilot for a Harmony and Effectiveness Session. (New Item)

II. Cooperation with the Professional Community

  1. Review progress report on AAWS LinkedIn page.
  2. Review progress report on the development of outward facing pamphlet for mental health professionals.
  3. Review content and format of CPC Kit and Workbook.
  4. Review progress report on the effective use of CPC videos on
  5. Discuss shared experience in informing professionals how A.A. can serve as a resource for unhoused and neurodivergent alcoholics.

III. Corrections

  1. Review content and format of Corrections Kit and Workbook.
  2. Review progress report on development of a pamphlet on the transgender alcoholic in A.A.+
  3. Review Data from Tablet Vendor Edovo. (New Item)
  4. Review Corrections Survey. (New Item)
  5. Consider request to update Appendix IV in the book Alcoholics Anonymous to include other awards and commendations received by AA since 1951. (PAI 65)* Note: This item was forwarded from the Literature agenda as part of the 2025 Equitable Distribution Plan (EDW).

IV. Finance

  1. Consider a request to reaffirm the 1975 Advisory Action that delegates emphasize to the groups the effect that inflation has had on the contribution of dollar and the necessity for adjusting contributions accordingly, to support services provided by the General Service Board. [Floor Action from the 74th General Service Conference].
  2. Review suggested area contribution for delegate expense for the Conference.
  3. Review the Conference-approved level of $10,000 for individual bequests to the General Service Board from A.A. members.
  4. Review the Conference-approved maximum annual contribution of $7,500 to the General Service Board from an individual A.A. member.
  5. Review initial draft of the supplemental financial reporting of the actual and evolving costs of various services provided by the GSB. Withdrawn. The trustees’ committee agreed to take no action on this consideration.
  6. Review Self-Support Packet.
  7. Consider a request to remove the phrase, “A group may also decline to hear reports from a GSR at all” from page 10 in the A.A. Service Manual. (PAI 72)* Note: This item was forwarded from the Report and Charter agenda as part of the 2025 Equitable Distribution Plan (EDW).

V. Grapevine/La Viña

  1. Review AA Grapevine Workbook.
  2. Consider the list of suggested Grapevine book topics for 2026 or after.
  3. Review the 5-year financial plan for La Viña.
  4. Review the progress report on a plan for a more effective La Viña subscription procedure, fulfillment process and customer service experience.
  5. Review the financial reporting system for the Grapevine and La Viña.
  6. Consider request to revise the pamphlet “Grapevine and La Vina: Our meetings in print.” (PAI 79)
  7. Review report on “AAGV/La Viña media platforms.” Note: This item was forwarded from the Public Information agenda as part of the 2025 Equitable Distribution Plan (EDW).

VI. Literature

  1. Annual review of recovery literature matrix.
  2. Review draft of the revised pamphlet “The Twelve Steps Illustrated.”
  3. Review draft of the revised pamphlet “A.A. for the Native North American.”
  4. Review progress report on the development of the Fourth Edition of the book Alcohólicos Anónimos – Spanish.
  5. Review progress report of the Fifth Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous.
  6. Review draft of the developed video animation of the pamphlet “The Twelve Concepts Illustrated.”
  7. Review draft of revisions to the pamphlet “Questions and Answers on Sponsorship.”
  8. Review progress report on the development of a pamphlet for the Asian and Asian American Alcoholic.
  9. Consider request that the terms “Indian and Eskimo” be removed from the February 19th entry in Daily Reflections. (PAI 11) Item was withdrawn since change requested in the PAI was applied in March 2022.
  10. Consider request that the Twelve Concepts for World Service and essays on the Twelve Concepts for World Service be included in the current publication, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. (PAI 23)
  11. Consider request to update the book Living Sober. PAI PAIs 34, 64, 106, 90, 92, 121,122)
  12. Discuss Plain Language Big Book review process.

VII. Policy/Admissions

  1. Review GSO general manager’s report regarding General Service Conference site selection.
  2. Review dates for the 2029 General Service Conference.
  3. Discuss Equitable Distribution of Workload (EDW) progress report and draft plan.
  4. Discuss the process of Simple Majority Items.
  5. Consider request that a Super Majority of voting members be required to change or amend Founders Literature. (PAI 36, 93, 96)
  6. Consider a request to develop guidelines for the roles and responsibilities of temporary replacement delegates. (New Item)
  7. Consider request to prioritize a list of selection criteria to inform the committee selection process.(New Item)

VIII. Public Information

  1. Review the 2025 Public Information Comprehensive Media Plan.
  2. Public Service Announcements (PSAs): Review PSAs for Relevance and Usefulness
    a. Review the 2025 report on the “Relevance and Usefulness of Audio and
    Video PSAs.”
    b. Review plan for evaluating Spanish and French language PSAs. Review progress report on the Mesmerize Point PSA distribution channel. Consider suggestion to develop new video PSA. (New Item) Review report and tracking of distribution of PSAs.
  3. Review report on the GSO Podcast, “Our Primary Purpose.”
  4. Review report on AAWS YouTube Channel.”
  5. Review report on “Google Ads.”
  6. Review report on “Meeting Guide app.”
  7. Review report on GSO’s A.A. website.
  8. Review report on “AAGV/La Viña media platforms.”
    Note: This item was forwarded to the AA Grapevine/LaViña agenda as part of
    the 2025 Equitable Distribution Plan (EDW).
  9. Review report for “AAWS Online Business Profiles.”
  10. Review progress report on developing communications to address anonymity
    and social media.
  11. Review progress report on analytics reporting.
  12. Review progress report on communicating with young people.
  13. Discuss Public Information pamphlets/materials.
  14. Review report from the A.A. Membership Survey working group.
  15. Review progress report on Young People ‘s video project.
  16. Review content and format of P.I. Kit and Workbook.

IX. Report and Charter

  1. Discuss the A.A. Service Manual, 2026-2028 Edition:
  2. Review list of editorial updates.
  3. Review progress report on the development of a new section.
    “Amendments” to be added to the Twelve Concepts for World Service.
  4. Consider a request to remove the word “woman” from the Concept
    lV essay. (PAI 75,124)
    Note: Item 3A on the preliminary agenda, “Consider a request to remove the
    phrase, “A group may also decline to hear reports from a GSR at all” from
    page 10 in the A.A. Service Manual. (PAI 72)” was forwarded to the Finance
    agenda as part of the 2025 Equitable Distribution Plan (EDW).
  5. Consider a request to expand Article Three in the Conference Charter to protect the co-Founders’ writings. (PAIs 81,15, 26 and 109)
  6. Review progress report on exploring the creation of a corresponding Trustees’ committee for Report and Charter.
  7. Discuss General Service Conference Final Report.

X. Treatment and Accessibilities

  1. Review progress report on Military Outreach Project.
  2. Review progress report on shared experience from Fellowship on outreach efforts to A.A. members in the military and veterans.
  3. Review progress report on the Accessibilities Resources flyer made available on
  4. Review progress report on the update of service material with shared experience from neurodivergent alcoholics.
  5. Review revision of the conference-approved flyer “Where do I go from here” (F-4).
  6. Review contents and format of Treatment Kit and Workbook.
  7. Review contents and format of Accessibilities Kit and Workbook.
  8. Review resource lists for Remote Communities and Cooperation with Elder Community.

XI. Trustees

  1. Review resumes of candidates for:
    1. Southeast Regional Trustee
    2. East Central Regional Trustee
    3. Trustee-at-Large/U.S.
  2. Review slate of trustees and officers of the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous, Inc.
  3. Review slate of directors of A.A. World Services, Inc.
  4. Review slate of directors of AA Grapevine, Inc.
  5. Review progress report of the revised pamphlet “Do You Think You’re Different?”+
  6. Review Censure Process Proposal.(New Item)
  7. Consider the request to include the version of A.A. Comes of Age, Lasker Award text in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous.( PAI 24 and 63)* Note: This item was forwarded from the Literature Agenda as part of the 2025 Equitable Distribution Plan (EDW).

XII. Archives

  1. Review content and format of Archives Workbook.

XIII. International Conventions/Regional Forums

  1. Discuss the upcoming 2025 International Convention.
  2. Review progress report on the development of new declaration to be adopted at the 2030 International Convention.
  3. Consider that all Sovereign States flags be a part of the Flag Ceremony at an International Convention. (PAI 10)
  4. Discuss ways to encourage interest and participation at Regional Forums.
  5. Review Final Report of the Subcommittee on Regional Forums Improvements.
  6. Review Report from Subcommittee to to Review Regional Forums Request for Information (RFI) Forms.

*2025 EDW Plan
+Carryover from a previous EDW plan

Background Information

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75th Conference Agenda Topics Background

Area 06 Summaries

Due to the length of the summaries, they are provided here in download form. You can download the summaries below or from the Area 06 website. If you need the passcode, please Contact Us.

75th Conference Agenda Topics Summaries

General Service Conference Highlights