The most recent district meeting was held on June 4th, 2024 at 7:30 pm, virtually and in person.

Some of the items discussed at the last District meeting were

  1. Visiting Area officer presented on “Unity After Disagreements”.
  2. Old business: “That District 08 fund travel and lodging for one member of District 08, defined as a voting member or alt GSR, in addition to the DCMC to Pacific Region Forum in Las Vegas, Nevada July 12-14, 2024 not to exceed a total of $850.”
    • Drew from the hat a winner and alternate. Congrats!
  3. Reviewed upcoming special events.
  4. Motion to reconsider the previous passed vote on the motion: “That District 08 make a one-time financial contribution to GSO in the amount equal to 25% of our current operating funds balance.” and what a Yes/No vote means on this motion.
  5. Discussion on if we should stay virtual only when Contra Costa County issues a Heat Advisory.

We need to take a group conscious on

  1. From the Accessibility ad-hoc committee: What accessibility needs do you have?

The following events might be of interest

  1. District 08’s 50th Anniversary Event – June 29, 2024, 2:00 – 5:00 pm, Walnut Creek, CA
  2. District 08 Web Committee Meeting – June 30, 2024, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Virtual
  3. District Delegate Potluck & Report – July 02, 2024, 6:00 – 9:30 pm, Martinez, CA (this is our normal District business meeting time) & online
    • There will be no New GSR Training, no Service Manual & Concept Study, and no Business Meeting this night.
  4. Pacific Regional Forum – July 12-14, 2024, Las Vegas, NV

The following actions have been taken in the district:

  1. Vote on the motion (substantial unanimity): “That District 08 fund travel and lodging for one member of District 08, defined as a voting member or alt GSR, in addition to the DCMC to Pacific Region Forum in Las Vegas, Nevada July 12-14, 2024 not to exceed a total of $850.” – passed
  2. Motion to reconsider the previous passed vote on the motion (simple majority): “That District 08 make a one-time financial contribution to GSO in the amount equal to 25% of our current operating funds balance.” – failed, the previous motion passed and a contribution will be made to GSO

Additional notes and information

  • We are always looking for Sub-District Committee members, please join us at a monthly District meeting to make yourself available or send us an email. Currently open are 001, 002, 004, 006, and 009.
  • Please make sure you have the Area postal address updated, it is now 1390 N McDowell Blvd, Suite G-339, Petaluma, CA 94954.

Everyone is welcome to attend any district or Area Assembly meeting. Even though visitors don’t have a vote, they do have a voice. Please join us next month!

The next District meeting will be held on July 2nd 2024, at 7:30 pm, virtually and in person.

The next Area Committee Meeting is online and in-person on June 22nd, 2024, at 11:00 am.

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