The most recent district meeting was held on October 5th, 2021 at 7:30 pm.

Some of the items discussed at the last District meeting was:

  1. Does your group have enthusiasm to participate in general service discussions?
  2. New AA grapevine podcast now available at
  3. New district website in soft opening phase

We need to take a group conscious on:

  1. Does district have an intended purpose for our funds above prudent reserve? Does that purpose best serve the alcoholics of our county?
  2. Underrepresented groups: who are we attracting? Or not attracting? 
  3. How do we move AA into 21st century at district and group level? 
  4. How do we explain GS more concisely and consistently to the groups?

The following events might be of interest:

  1. Service and sponsorship workshop from intergroup
  2. Unity Day Nov 20 location TBD

The following actions have been taken at the district:

  1. Accepted budget projection for 2022
  2. Housekeeping motion passed to buy a new suitcase not to exceed 140 to transport literature

Everyone is welcome to attend any district or Area Assembly meeting. Even though visitors don’t have a vote, they do have a voice. Please join me next month!

The next District meeting will be held virtual on November 2, 2021, at 7:30 pm. This will be our District Inventory.

The next Area Assembly meeting will be held online on November 6, 2021, 8:30 am – 5 pm.